
Lip Filler

Lip Filler

Lip Filler services offered in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Your lips are one of the first things people notice about you, especially as the eye is drawn to your mouth when you speak or smile. Dr. Ben's signature lip technique is famous worldwide. He is known as the Lip King for a reason. He even teaches masterclasses on his lip filler technique. If you’d like a fuller or more shapely pout, Ben Shatil, DO, Allison Santhouse, PA-C, and the experienced team of aestheticians at YS Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, are here to help by way of custom lip filler treatments. A quick phone call or a few moments online are all that’s needed to get started. 

Why do people choose lip filler treatment?

Your overall appearance is created through the balance and symmetry of your facial features; Elements like the shape of your eyes, brows, cheekbones, and lips all factor in. 

Some people are born with a perfect natural balance. However, many have one or more features they’d like to enhance. The lips are among the most common focus areas for medical aesthetic treatments, likely because they have such a prominent role in your appearance. 

Many people pursue treatments to create an overall fuller lip profile. However, fillers can also help achieve balance between your upper or lower lip, create a more defined lip line, or enhance your cupid’s bow, the lip line just beneath your nose.  

Are all lip filler results the same?

Just as no two smiles are ever exactly alike, lip filler results are also unique. Your treatment results depend on several factors, including the natural shape of your lips and the type and volume of filler used. 

At YS Aesthetics, only the very best dermal fillers on the market are made available to patients. For lip filler treatments, options include Teoxane RHA® and Restylane®

These products are made of synthetic hyaluronic acid, a substance your body produces naturally to keep your skin moist and hydrated. When injected into your lips, the smooth, gel-like consistency of these fillers creates natural-looking results. 

Lip fillers deliver results that last around 12-18 months. Your practitioner can always adjust the location of injections or the volume or type of filler used to tweak your result on the next round of treatment. 

What should I expect during my lip filler appointment?

Getting lip filler begins with a discussion of what you hope to achieve through your treatment. Be sure to share the details of any medication or supplements you’re taking. 

Your practitioner examines your facial features and creates a plan for where to place the filler injections. A topical anesthetic ensures you remain comfortable as the filler is injected into multiple areas of your lips. 

Your practitioner may gently massage your lips to ensure the filler is properly distributed. You may experience some mild swelling, tenderness, or bruising for a few days after your treatment.  

When you’re ready to learn more, book your consultation online or by phone to meet with a highly skilled medical aesthetics practitioner at YS Aesthetics.